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App Creation

We were tasked with creating an app or adding a service on to an existing app. We decided to create an app that locally delivers plants.


When deciding what to create we thought about what was in demand at the time. House plants had become the newest craze - it seemed like everyone I knew and followed online was starting to buy house plants. It was also during the pandemic and delivery services were booming. We did some research and found that this service could actually be supported in the current economy and beyond.

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The Problem

PlantPal was designed for millennials with an interest in plants. We found there was a lack of trustworthy and convenient options for buying plants online, which has resulted in an untapped market demand. How might we improve the searching and buying process so that plant owners are fulfilled with their purchase through the PlantPal app?

The Solution

PlantPal is a houseplant delivery service that connects users with local nurseries to deliver high quality plants in a timely manner.


Google Forms, Miro, Zoom, Procreate, Adobe XD,, Fivver,,


User Research

User Persona

After doing our preliminary research we created a proto persona which evolved over the course of our research into our user persona.

User Surveys

We began by interviewing 5 people with an interest in plants to understand the thought process of finding and purchasing plants. We discovered that the plant’s health and the buying experience are the number one priorities whether they were shopping online, or in a store.
Then, we created a survey to gain additional data on the subject. We surveyed 44 people who have a varied experience when it comes to plants.

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.


of people surveyed identified themselves as a novice when it comes to plant care


of people surveyed identified themselves as beginners when it comes to plant care


of people surveyed would spend no more than 30 minutes researching about plants

Most common concerns about buying plants online:

  • The condition of the plants when they are delivered.

  • The price point is usually higher when the plant is listed online.

  • Having to rely on someone else choosing which plant I’ll be purchasing.

User Interviews

The common trend amongst all five interviews is that buying plants online can be intimidating for both first and long-time plant buyers. It is often anxiety about what the plant will look like when it arrives that deters people from buying plants online.

I look at stuff online to purchase and I guess it just kind of makes me nervous. Cause you like to look at the ones (plants) and pick exactly like has a certain number of leaves.
— User

Feature Prioritization Matrix

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

User Flow

To be continued…

